Erindi Cheetah Conservation Project

The cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, is classified as ‘vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red Data Book List. Cheetah’s are one of Africa’s most endangered big cats. Their numbers have declined by 90% over the past century, dropping from 100 000 to only about 10 000 today. The main reason for the decline is human-wildlife conflict, disappearing habitat, and loss of prey.

Namibia has the largest and healthiest population of cheetahs left in the world. Erindi Private Game Reserve has always been very involved with cheetah conservation and offers a protected home for cheetah rehabilitation.

During early 2000, work between Erindi and the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) began in earnest with a project to regularly introduce rehabilitated cheetah into Erindi. These animals were mostly those that had been captured on farms hunting livestock, and who were therefore doomed under the ‘problem animal’ label, and others who were cubs that had spent their entire lives in human care. The first four cheetahs released onto Erindi had first undergone intensive rehabilitation with the CCF to ensure that they could independently learn how to hunt. The careful preparation was worth it, as they thrived after their release into the reserve.

Another group of four cheetahs was released into Erindi in 2012. In mid-2014, Erindi Private Game Reserve was invited to the Annual CCF Gala and presented with the award for the 2014 Cheetah Conservation Business of the Year by Dr Laurie Marker and Uahekua Herunga, Namibia’s Minister of Environment and Tourism.

Donate towards the cheetah project now to support scientific research and the protection of their habitats.



Species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. (D1) means the population is very small or restricted, estimated to number fewer than 10,000 mature individuals